
Digester Gas Power Generation by BOO (Build Own & Operate) scheme using FIT

Kitakami Biogas Power ( Iwate Prefecture )

Realizes effective utilization of renewable energy and stabilization of sewage management


Swing Corporation is active in power generation business utilizing digester gas (biogas) derived from sewage sludge by BOO scheme using private funding and knowhow. In this scheme, Swing Corporation constructs power station within waste water treatment plant (WWTP) with its own fund, generates electricity using digester gas purchased from local municipality and sells the electricity to power companies using Feed-in Tariff (FIT) for renewable energy.

Features: 3 Keywords

1.PPP (Public-Private Partnership) project

This is a PPP project using BOO scheme. Local municipalities can enjoy revenues from sales of digester gas and site rental without the need to source own funds, owning or maintaining the facilities.

2.Power generation using renewable energy

Contributes to reducing CO2 emission by utilizing digester gas which is a local energy source.

3.Full utilization of knowhow accumulated by Swing Corporation

his project requires close coordination with sewage treatment in many areas and fully utilizes sludge solution technologies and knowhow that Swing Corporation has acquired through long years of experience as a total solution provider in the water industry.

Actual Sites


Location (Customer)
※under construction


Annual output

Tsuruoka Biogas Power
(Tsuruoka City, Yamagata Prefecture)


約2,000,000kWh(to power 560 households)

Moriya Biogas Power
(Moriya City, Ibaraki Prefecture)


約1,400,000 kWh(to power 300 households)

Kitagami Biogas Power
(Iwate Prefecture)


約2,500,000kWh(to power 700 households)

Hamakurosaki Biogas Power
(Toyama City, Toyama Prefecture)


約6,400,000 kWh(to power 1,800 households)

Eniwa Biogas Power
(Eniwa City, Hokkaido Prefecture)※


約3,000,000kWh(to power 840 households)

Kanazawa Rinkai Biogas Power
(Kanazawa City, Ishikawa Prefecture)※


約2,700,000 kWh(to power 750 households)